A Simple Framework For Earning More
Dear Citizen,
It’s Day 12 of the 4th Month in 2023, and I’m just sending my letters because it’s been a roller coaster for me, the past few weeks.
If this is your first time receiving my letters, thank you for joining my network. I hope we’ll achieve greatness together?
Every now and then (preferably monthly), i scribble my thoughts, ideas and lessons about life, career and leadership for young ones like me. I’ve chosen to call this letters - The GOLD Letters.
Last week, i was privileged to facilitate a session on Opportunities in Tech & Business. If we have ever shared learning time together, you know the best part of my sessions are the Q&As because it helps me gain entrance into the mind of my listeners and in a moment capture their philosophy about life, career and leadership - basically, why we do what we do.
Questions reveals a lot.
So I realize that when people ask questions about Tech & Business, they immediately think about the money. Naira & Kobo, dollar, pounds, huge salary, etc.
Well, this letter is not one of those “good or bad”, “right or wrong” conversation. So I’m not going to give you a moment to ask if it’s good or bad, wrong or right.
My goal is let you know that Money or huge salary is absolutely good. But much more to show you with a simple framework of thinking especially when it comes to careers or earning your desired salary.
“You cannot earn for what you do not give value for”. So every time you think of opportunities, ask yourself: "What can i offer?
You cannot earn the amount of money you do not give value for, and you cannot give value for something you have no interest in.
So here is the framework: Interest > Value > Earning
Your earning in any field is tied to the value you bring ( which is equivalent to what you know that can solve problems for an organization).
So whatever stage you are, it is good to think about how much you would like to earn, then reverse back to “developing the value that attract such earning”.
I hope this helps?
Great Owete